We were honored to have our paper, Income inequality: Value flow analysis, market narratives, and organizational practice, win the Social Issues in Management (SIM) 2016 Best Paper Award at this year’s Academy of Management meeting in Anaheim, CA.
Naturally, we needed pie to celebrate… more
Towards the end of the 2014, I started thinking about how business practice and pedagogy have contributed to rising income inequality. I read Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, starting playing around with circular flow diagrams, began reading other books and scholarly articles… more
I’m extremely pleased to see this in print:
Beal, B. D., & Astakhova, M. [2016]. Management and income inequality: A review and conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, published online (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2762-6), forthcoming in print. [PDF, journal, project]… more