Beal, B. D. & Neesham, C. 2016. Systemic corporate social responsibility: Micro-to-macro transitions, collective outcomes, and self-regulation. Social Responsibility Journal, 12(2): 209-227. [journal, project]
We call attention to the need to revitalize the systemic nature… more
Beal, B. D., & Olson Beal, H. K. 2013. Rethinking the market metaphor: School choice, the common good, and the National Football League. Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 7(4): 471-497. [PDF, journal]
School choice advocates often assume that market-like… more
Beal, B. D. 2012. Competitive markets, collective action, and the Big Box Retailer problem. Journal of Philosophical Economics, 6(1): 2-29. [PDF, journal]
I use a stylized scenario—the Big Box Retailer Problem—to demonstrate that the presence of behavioral interdependence in economic… more