In mid-2012, I began working with Heather K. Olson Beal (my wife, currently a professor of education at Stephen F. Austin State University) on a series of papers on the marketization of K-12 education.
Here is what we’ve produced so far:
Olson Beal, H. K., & Beal, B. D. 2016. Assessing the impact… more
Beal, B. D., & Olson Beal, H. K. 2013. Rethinking the market metaphor: School choice, the common good, and the National Football League. Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 7(4): 471-497. [PDF, journal]
School choice advocates often assume that market-like… more
Beal, B. D., & Tarter, J. 2013. Flat World Knowledge: A revolution? Journal of Case Studies, 31(2): 98-113. [PDF, journal]
From the teaching note:
Eric and Jeff believed that the college textbook market was dysfunctional in a number of respects. They believed that Flat World’s business model … more
Beal, B. D., & Tarter, J. 2013. Flat World Knowledge: How to pay authors to write free textbooks? Journal of Critical Incidents, 6: 67-70. [PDF, journal]
Jeff Shelstad, together with Eric Frank, founded FWK in 2007 with the intention of disrupting and reinventing the college textbook… more