
Beal, B. D. 2002. An internet infomediary. Case Research Journal, 22(3): 1-17. (Reprinted in Pearce & Robinson, 2004, Strategic Management, 9e, McGraw Hill) [PDF]

The Company:

AllAdvantage was founded by Jim Jorgensen and three Stanford graduate students (Carl Anderson, Johannes Pohle, & Oliver Brock) and launched from Jorgensen’s garden shed on March 30, 1999. The idea for AllAdvantage emerged from a discussion about privacy on the internet. It seemed to company founders that there needed to be a way for individuals to come together and sell their aggregated attention and demographic data to advertisers while maintain-ing their individual privacy. The “aha”, according to Jorgensen, was the idea to develop a downloadable software program that members could install on their personal computers for viewing advertisements. By the end of 1999 AllAdvantage had thrust itself front-and-center onto the internet scene. The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Fortune, Business Week, Business 2.0 and other high-profile business publications were writing about the company, ven-ture capital firms had injected more than $130 million into the venture, and a small army of ex-perienced executives had joined the AllAdvantage management team.

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