Naydanova, E., Beal, B. D., Doty, H. 2018. Internet use for school-mandated and self-initiated learning: Good, bad or both? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21(7): 444-449. [PDF, journal, project]
Because delivery of school assignments and other learning materials… more
Bushardt, S. C, Young, M., & Beal, B. D. 2018. Understanding work passion: An important element for career success and improved quality of life. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 18(2): 23-29. [PDF, project]
A dualistic model of both harmonious and obsessive passion suggests… more
Swimberghe, K., Darrat, M., Beal, B. D., Astakhova, M. 2018. Examining a psychological sense of brand community in elderly consumers. Journal of Business Research, 82: 171-178. [PDF, journal, project]
As the affluent baby-boomer segment rapidly approaches retirement, marketers are … more
Astakhova, M. N., Beal, B. D., & Camp, K. M. 2017. A cross-cultural examination of the curvilinear relationship between perceived demands-abilities fit and risk-taking propensity. Journal of Business Research, 79: 41-51. [PDF, journal]
We propose a U-shaped relationship between… more
I’m excited to see this volume of personal essays in print. It took longer than expected to get it through the publication process (most of these essays were written in the Summer and Fall of 2014), but I’m pleased with how it turned out.
Beal, B. D., Nieberding, N., & Olson Beal, H. K.… more
Naydanova, E., & Beal, B. D. 2016. Harmonious and obsessive passion, competence, and self-worth: A study of high school students in the U.S. and Russia. Computers in Human Behavior, 64 (2016): 88-93. [PDF, journal]
This study uses a dualistic model of passion to examine the relationships… more
Cragun, R. T., Merino, S. M., Stearmer, S. M., Nielsen, M., Beal, B. D., & Jones, B. 2016. Predictors of opposition to and support for the ordination of women: Insights from the LDS church. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 19(2): 124-137 (DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2015.1126703). [PDF, journal… more
A few years ago, I started requiring students in my graduate strategic management class to write a business case as a class project. Colleagues and other coauthors have helped expand and refine the project. Here’s a quick version history:
Version 4, – July 1, 2016, published by Ivey Publishing;… moreCater, J. J., Collins, L. A., & Beal, B. D. [2016]. The changing paradigm of fair trade social entrepreneurship in the United States. Management Decision, forthcoming. [journal, project]
Purpose: This paper examines why social entrepreneurs in the United States choose to operate… more
Cater, J. J., Collins, L. A., & Beal, B. D. [2016]. Ethics, faith, and profit: Exploring the motives of U.S. fair trade social entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Ethics, published online (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2934-4), forthcoming in print. [PDF, journal, project]
Although … more
Bushardt, S. C., Beal, B. D., Young, M., & Khosla, S. 2016. Professional nurses and the dark side of work passion. Nursing Management, 47(1): 48-52. [journal, project]
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of professional nurses is their passion for their work. Research… more
I’m extremely pleased to see this in print:
Beal, B. D., & Astakhova, M. [2016]. Management and income inequality: A review and conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, published online (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2762-6), forthcoming in print. [PDF, journal, project]… more
Beal, B. D. & Neesham, C. 2016. Systemic corporate social responsibility: Micro-to-macro transitions, collective outcomes, and self-regulation. Social Responsibility Journal, 12(2): 209-227. [journal, project]
We call attention to the need to revitalize the systemic nature… more
Olson Beal, H. K., & Beal, B. D. 2016. Assessing the impact of school-based marketing efforts: A case study of a foreign language immersion program in a school choice environment. Peabody Journal of Education, 91(1): 81-99. [journal]
The paper is part of a special issue entitled “The Role… more
Cater, J. J., & Beal, B. D. 2015. Servant leadership in multigenerational family firms. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 20(4): 25-48. [journal]
Servant leadership, which begins with the desire to serve others first, may be conducive to the success of family firms… more
Cater, J. J., Beal, B. D., Tarter, J., & Swimberghe, K. 2015. Motor Trike: Building a brand community. Case Research Journal, 35(2): 73-94. [journal]
Case Synopsis:
In August 1994, Jeff and Diane Vey purchased FNJ Engineering a fledgling motorcycle conversion kit manufacturer located in Troup,… more
Beal, B. D. 2014. Corporate social responsibility: Definition, core issues, and recent developments. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc. [ISBN: 9781452291567;]
This short book on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is designed to be … more
Heard, P. L., Hartman, S., Beal, B. D., & Bushardt, S. C. 2014. Nursing comfort. . . more than helpful hands. Nursing Management, 45(4): 30-35. [PDF, journal]
This article reviews the literature on nurse comfort and suggests that it may be useful in combating nurse burnout. Although … more
Cater, J. J., & Beal, B. D. 2014. Ripple effects on family firms from an externally induced crisis. Journal of Family Business Management, 4(1): 62-78. [PDF, journal]
From the Introduction:
Using a resource-based view of the firm perspective (Barney, 1991; Habbershon & Williams, 1999),… more
Tarter, J. & Beal, B. D. 2013. Implementing a “SWIF” program in an undergraduate strategy course: Processes, results and recommendations. The Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 9(1): 153-161. [PDF, journal]
As faculty charged with the continued development and delivery of… more
Beal, B. D., & Olson Beal, H. K. 2013. Rethinking the market metaphor: School choice, the common good, and the National Football League. Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 7(4): 471-497. [PDF, journal]
School choice advocates often assume that market-like… more
Beal, B. D., & Tarter, J. 2013. Flat World Knowledge: A revolution? Journal of Case Studies, 31(2): 98-113. [PDF, journal]
From the teaching note:
Eric and Jeff believed that the college textbook market was dysfunctional in a number of respects. They believed that Flat World’s business model … more
Beal, B. D., & Tarter, J. 2013. Flat World Knowledge: How to pay authors to write free textbooks? Journal of Critical Incidents, 6: 67-70. [PDF, journal]
Jeff Shelstad, together with Eric Frank, founded FWK in 2007 with the intention of disrupting and reinventing the college textbook… more
Beal, B. D., & Tarter, J. 2013. The Mormon Stories podcast: Faith, disaffiliation and strategic vision. Business Case Journal, 20(2): 15-33. [PDF, journal]
From the teaching note:
In September 2005, after experiencing a personal crisis of faith, John Dehlin, a lifelong Mormon, started the … more
Beal, B. D. 2012. Competitive markets, collective action, and the Big Box Retailer problem. Journal of Philosophical Economics, 6(1): 2-29. [PDF, journal]
I use a stylized scenario—the Big Box Retailer Problem—to demonstrate that the presence of behavioral interdependence in economic… more
Cater, J. J., Beal, B. D., Justis, R. T. 2007. Family business in Louisiana: The case of Rabenhorst Funeral Homes. Annual Advances in Business Cases, 27: 221-237. [PDF]
Rabenhorst Funeral Homes is the oldest continuously owned family business in Baton Rouge, LA. Founded in 1866 by Charles… more
Gimeno, J., Hoskisson, R. E., Beal, B. D., & Wan, W. P. 2005. Explaining the clustering of international expansion moves: A critical test in the U.S. telecommunications industry. Academy of Management Journal, 48(2): 297-319. [PDF]
This study discriminates among alternative competitive… more
Beal, B. D., Thomas, D. E. 2004. Strategic options for managing intellectual asset flows in the information sector. Journal of Managerial Issues, 16(4): 442-459. [PDF]
Information and knowledge management play an increasingly important role in the development of sustainable competitive… more
Beal, B. D., & Marin, D. B. 2003. Confronting the information age: Strategy, copyright, and digital intellectual goods. Business Horizons, 46(4): 21-31. [PDF]
The proliferation of computer networks, the popularization of the World Wide Web and the increasing availability of digital… more
Beal, B. D. 2002. An internet infomediary. Case Research Journal, 22(3): 1-17. (Reprinted in Pearce & Robinson, 2004, Strategic Management, 9e, McGraw Hill) [PDF]
The Company:
AllAdvantage was founded by Jim Jorgensen and three Stanford graduate students (Carl Anderson,… more
Dacin, M. T., Ventresca, M. J., & Beal, B. D. 1999. The embeddedness of organizations: Dialogue & directions. Journal of Management, 25(3): 317-356. [PDF]
Research on industrial organizations are examined to determine the current and emerging theories on embeddedness. An integrated… more