Psychological Sense of Brand Community
Swimberghe, K., Darrat, M., Beal, B. D., Astakhova, M. 2018. Examining a psychological sense of brand community in elderly consumers. Journal of Business Research, 82: 171-178. [PDF, journal, project]
As the affluent baby-boomer segment rapidly approaches retirement, marketers are becoming more aware of elderly consumers. Carlson, Suter, and Brown (2008) recently introduced the psychological sense of brand community (PSBC) construct. This research extends their work by examining new antecedents and consequences of PSBC in the context of elderly consumers. Moreover, the study examines how older consumers’ brand equity perceptions contribute to brand advocacy through a psychological sense of brand community (PSBC). Survey data is collected from 592 elderly customers (all over the age of 60) of a luxury motorcycle components and accessories manufacturer. Results suggest that three core facets of consumer-based brand equity contribute to older consumers’ PSBC: perceived quality, perceived value for the cost, and brand uniqueness. Moreover, a PSBC motivates older consumers to participate in (and pay for) social brand communities as well as increases positive word of mouth and brand evangelism.
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